What is Bonk Of America

 Bonk Of America ($BONKFA) originated as a fair launch on Solana. It is the meme-utility token that powers our “RAID2EARN” business model. Our Raiding Reward system developed in-house is called “ATM Bot”, a tongue-in-cheek play on ATMs spitting out cash, just like our bot is spitting out rewards tokens. Initially built for Solana, BONKFA has expanded to BASE and TON blockchains. This expansion was key to capturing a multi-chain presence. The project is built to boost engagement in communities and reward holders with their native tokens for participation and tasks. Committed to transparency and fairness, BONKFA’s profit-sharing program is key component of our business model across all block chains. Our roadmap includes further expansions to future chains and social media platforms. We aim to set new standards in the block chain and Ai industries.


Key Features


Pioneering the raiding rewards system in crypto space. Our ATM bot is a first of it’s kind, built to reward for engagement on Twitter. Future use on Youtube, TikTok.


Bonk Of America pokes fun of the centralized banking system. It is also a play on words referring to the Bonk token


Our tools and utilities developed in house are powered by the latest developments of Open Ai
and Chat GPT enhancing engagement


Our long term model is profit share from the bot
and ad revenue streams to the $BONKFA token
holders. Project is operated as a venture with
solid foundations of team, tech & revenue

Achievements to Date

Since release in early May, @ATMRaidBot has made significant strides on Solana:

  • Communities: 120+ groups rewarding their raiders
  • Raiders: 6300+ registered raiders
  • Rewards Distributed: Over 30,000 reward transactions, currently valued >$250,000

Current Features

Our current income-expenses snapshot reflects our growth potential:
  • Monthly Expenses: $16,000 (125 SOL)
  • Current Revenues: ~30 SOL per month (15 Premium subs)
    • Ad Revenue Potential: Significant as proven by Chatter Shield’s $180,000/mo.

BONKFA is poised for token appreciation via Profit Sharing from ATM Raid Bot’s revenue (ads + premium subscriptions). Ads will be displayed in locked chats during raids, maximizing visibility. Once we achieve profitability, holders of ≥2.5M BONKFA (both Solana and Base) will benefit from it. We are planning to eventually scale up to sharing 50% of BONKFA profits with holders via automated weekly distributions.

Expansion Plans

We have ambitious plans from tracking social media engagement on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to launching BONKFA on TON to leverage Telegram and Tonchain and other blockchains. 

BONKFA on Solana will always be the determinant for receiving future airdrops. Community-building efforts will continue through B2B collaborations (launchpads, exchanges, etc.) and partnerships with trusted KOLs.

What is @ATMRaidBot?


@ATMRaidBot is an advanced Telegram bot designed to enhance community engagement by orchestrating raids on Twitter. It outperforms competitors like Chatter Shield and d.raidbot through superior features and sophistication. The bot utilizes AI to grade contributions and distribute rewards in native tokens, promoting active participation and community growth.


Current Features


The /raid command allows users to input desired numbers of new replies, retweets, likes, and bookmarks. It also includes optional Raid Instructions for specific directives, such as including specific hashtags in replies to maximize impact.



After a raid, a single button click rewards all registered raiders in the community’s native token. The community can set the maximum tokens per raid per raider to ensure balanced distribution.



ATM’s AI model is trained on elite crypto Twitter shilling to ensure fair and effective grading. 

The bot determines token rewards per raider based on the AI’s grading system.

Reward calculation: # tokens received = [Max raid reward] * [% raid grade]


ATM Premium


Free Features:

@ATMRaidBot offers robust features even in its free version.


Basic Raid Management allows users to easily initiate and manage raids with simple commands. 


Token Rewards are distributed based on AI grading, ensuring participants are fairly rewarded for their efforts. 


Community Signup is quick and easy, facilitating seamless integration. 


Raider Registration is straightforward, requiring only a wallet address and a Twitter username.


Premium Features:

The Premium version offers numerous enhancements. 


Reward unlimited raiders! Ensure that everyone gets paid to raid. The free version is limited to 10 paid raiders per raid-payout. 


The /reward command allows you to send tokens to any user in your chat for any reason simply by replying to them. 


Your AI grading system is customizable to the bone, enabling you to tailor it to your token’s creative needs and style. 


Additional admins can be authorized to reward and initiate raid payouts; you can even give all rewarders their own daily reward allowances.


Premium users enjoy ad-free raids.


Ad Credits provide 50 free impressions per day.


Admin Dashboard (Web3 dapp) will soon be available for managing settings and configurations. 


Our Referral Program offers commissions for bringing in new Premium subscribers.






  • Launch $BONKFA on Solana
  • Build ATM v1
  • Connect Twitter API
  • Connect OpenAI API


  • Build ATM V2
  • Build LOCKDOWN
  • Get ATM bot in 100 communities
  • Establish partnerships


  • Launch BONKFA on Base
  • Launch BONKFA on TON
  • Develop Ad Revenue Model
  • Start Profit Sharing Program
  • Release Admin/User Dashboards
  • Get ATM into 500+ communities
  • AI Training of Image Generation


  • Launch on BNB + CEXs
  • Establish B2B revenue
  • Develop in-house AI tools
  • Connect YouTube API
  • Release ATM on Discord




  • Launch on Tron + CEXs
  • Connect TikTok API
  • Improve Admin/User Dash
  • Adoption by 2500+ Communities

BONKFA on Base


Expanding to BASE Chain

We are excited to announce the launch of $BONKFA on the BASE chain, a strategic move to expand our presence across multiple blockchains and solidify the original holders as primary beneficiaries of future expansions.


Strategic Objectives

  1. Broaden Holder Base: Increase the holder count of BONKFA OG Solana tokens to 2,500,000 by integrating it as a requirement for BASE tokens and any future airdrops.
  2. Protect Early Investors: Ensure new BASE token buyers cannot undermine original BONKFA holders who have steadfastly supported the project by setting allocation rules.
  3. Market Stability: Implement a structured airdrop plan, distributing tokens weekly over 10 parts, preventing sudden market dumps and promoting stability.
  4. Financial Stability: Generate immediate funds to cover operational costs by trading the BONKFA Base chart, ensuring a stable financial runway for the next few months.
  5. Future Proofing: If successful, this launch sets the stage for further expansions, including a potential BONKFA launch on TON, creating a multi-chain ecosystem.


Operations: 30%

Presale: 20%

Airdrop: 20%

Marketing: 7%

Devs: 3%

Initial Liquidity: 20%

Profit Share Program

Profit sharing is a cornerstone of BONKFA’s value proposition, and it will continue to be following the launch of BONKFA on Base.


Here’s how profit sharing will work going forward:

  • Proportional Revenue Split: Profit share will be divided proportionally based on the subscription revenue generated from each chain, ensuring fairness and rewarding the most supportive communities.
  • Ad Revenue Integration: Ad revenue will be included in the profit share pool, adding another significant revenue stream alongside Premium subscriptions.
  • Token Buybacks: In case one token outperforms the other, we plan to implement buybacks to support the underperforming token, maintaining balance and value across both chains.
  • Transparency and Fairness: We are committed to transparency in all our operations, with regular updates and a focus on the best interests of our community.

A Message to the Community



Your continued support and engagement are key to our future success. Through the ups of announcing our Base expansion and the downs of losing our old Telegram group, we’ve been through a lot this month yet still we hold strong and keep building like crazy. It’s working, whether we see it yet or not. 


We encourage all members to participate in our upcoming initiatives including the Base launch and all upcoming Spaces during July. Help us to spread the good word of the Bonk, and keep pushing hard during BONKFA raids. 


The operations team is fully committed to building a strong and sustainable raid-to-earn ecosystem that benefits all holders and thrives regardless of market conditions – we’ve built the picks & shovels that will power the future of the memeconomy. If we continue to build it, they will continue to come.


Thank you for your continued belief and support.



Branch Manager and the BONKFA Operations Tean